Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Barrel Bombs

The government is Syria has really take their violence on the country to a new level. Recently they have been dropped barrel bombs on schools, hospitals, mosques and crowded markets in heavily populated areas. They bombs are filled with oil and explosives and when they are dropped from the plane, they cause a massive explosion on the ground. This year the barrel bombs have reportedly killed over 3,000 civilians. As a result it is reported that many civilians are moving out of popular areas and moving to places where nobody lives to try to protect themselves. Hospitals are starting to move unground to avoid the bombs. The news channels have also reported that armed opposition groups are carrying out appalling human rights violations against civilians. 

The U.N. security council unanimously adopted a resolution on Syria in February 2014 demanding, that all parties immediately ease all attacks against civilians, as well as the indiscriminate employment of weapons in populated areas, including shelling and aerial bombardment such as the use of barrels bombs. The President of Syria still declines bombing the country to provide more war crimes.  

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