Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mock Trial, State V. Mann

After defending John Mann in the mock trial in the state of North Carolina V. Mann it actually thought me a lot about how different the times were and how different the laws were. If a man were to shoot a black woman in the back today, he would do 25 years to life in prison. Its amazing how back in time how legal slavery really was and how much leeway and wiggle room the slave owners really had. It was also amazing to me how different it was that when Mann was fined 10 dollars, he appealed it. That goes to show how much 10 dollars meant to someone as opposed to know. Our litigation was able to win the case due to the first amendment. The first time that it went to court, Mann was fined the 10$ as stated above and when he appealed it, it went to the North Carolina Supreme court and it was overturned.

I personally don't think that I would have ever agreed with slavery even if I lived back in that time. I feel bad for judges that these cases get brought to because they have to agree with the law instead of whats morally right. If a judge didn't agree with slavery, they would still have to side with the law. If i was a judge back in that time, I would be afraid that if I had to make a decision such as this one, people would hate me and someone would attack me at some point. I understand that slavery was a law and it was 100% legal to punish your slaves, but I feel bad for the judges of these kind of cases. 

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