Wednesday, March 4, 2015


     Today in the beginning of the class, we watched a two part video on the causes of the civil war. But instead of writing a blog about the causes of the civil war, Im going to write about slavery. There was a portion in the video as to what was going on in the South in the time leading up to the vivil war on Slavery. When a person hears the word slavery, I would bet that the first thing that comes to their minds is picking cotton and getting whipped. African Americans were treated so unfairly strictly because of their skin color.

     Life was so much more different in the south than in the north. Agriculture was the key to life. People would get rich by selling cotton. Land owners also known as (masters) would buy slaves and the slaves would work all day picking cotton for the master to sell. The slaves would not get paid and would get brutally beaten whether they were male, female or a child. Slaves were African Americans.  Southern wealth were rested on the backs African American slaves. Slave owners were brutal, degrading and sometimes is cases..deadly. Back in this time, slave owners had the right to beat or kill one of their slaves for whatever reason they thought was necessary and that was considered "lawful". Slave-hands went for as much as 2,000$.. But white southern slave masters would make sure that their slaves were planning revolts on them. Such as gathering weapons, creating weapons or getting a group attack ready. Northers felt that it couldn't be normal that there was group forming.

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