Tuesday, April 21, 2015

On April 2, 2015, Tulsa County, Oklahoma’s police officer, Robert Bates shot 44-year old Eric Harris. Eric Harris was involved in a sting operation involving gun sales. When Harris picked up on the situation and started to realize that it was sting operation, he fled the scene. I have been following the stories about cops shooting African Americans and African Americans retaliating on police officers. Personally I believe that police do not think that same about persons with that of black skin and caucasians. I think that there is a stereotype that police officers have that they think that blackpeople are more dangerous and violent then those of white people. In defense of the police, the African American people do not make it any better by retaliating on the police by trying to injure them..This case is a perfect example to back up my personal opinion. Bates, the police officer fatally shot the 44 year old man. He made a statement that he thought is gun was his taser. Now anyone with common knowledge, especially a cop who has gun training, knows that tasers and hand guns look absolutely nothing alike. Also Bates had his lawyer ask the judge if he could attend a vacation to the Bahamas since his court date is in 2 months. Do you that a police officer who just fatally shot a man is showing respect to the deceased mans family by going on a vacation to the Bahamas????

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