Wednesday, April 29, 2015


What the hell..has baltimore lost their minds?

Hours after the funeral of freddie gray (24 year old man who lived in baltimore. he was arrested and while in custody of police officers his spine was broken and he died) 

With all of the racial things going out with blacks and white police officers this was the worst time for anything to wrong with a black person and a white police officer. 

The people of Baltimore finally lost their shit and they all outraged as one! They took their anger to the streets and pretty much destroyed everything possible of destroying. They vandalized buildings, burned down buildings, destroyed police cars, tried to injure police…these people broken into the god damn zoo and let the tigers loose. like what is the world does that have to do with anything with trying to prove a point that blacks are not treated the same as whites by police officers. ??????

the city of baltimore had to request for 3,000 extra police officer and the national guard was even called in to help control the violence. these people were absolutely out of control and i don’t see a point in destroying the city that you reside in to try to prove a point. it makes no sense to me and it never will. 

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