Tuesday, May 5, 2015

March on Washington

In August on 1963 over two hundred thousand people gathered in Washington DC to participate in a rally know as the “March on Washington. The rally was designed to fight for the rights and civil freedoms for blacks. Martin Luther King Jr gave his “I Have a Dream Speech”. The rally and march actually was an unprecedented success. 

After watching the film on this class, I think my opinion definitely changed. I thought that the speech was just given and it had little impact. After watching the video and seeing how many people were in attendance, I soon came to realize that this was probably the biggest even of the Positive effects for african americans in the Civil Rights Movement. 

White Like Me

In class we watched a movie “White Like Me. IT went to show how certain races in America are not taken as seriously as other. In the Movie the main point is that whites don’t have to worry about if they will have to go through racial actives throughout the day. Blacks have to deal with the question “what is it like to be white?” Personally that has never been a concern for me and I am friends with many african americans and people of different races. Tim Wise is the main role in this film and he explores how racial identity and witness influence the lives of white Americans, by examining how it has impacted his own live. 

Wise told his own personal story of how when he was growing up he went to an only black middle school and he was only one of three students. By the time he got to high school most of his friends were black and he started to realize how the teachers started to treat his black friends. 

Wise always ignored the advantages that he had until he was at a rally and a black person asked him what has done to try and help racism in the United States and then he started to realize that blacks thought what it was like to be white and it upset him so he started to try show the world how the blacks feel. 

Barrel Bombs

The government is Syria has really take their violence on the country to a new level. Recently they have been dropped barrel bombs on schools, hospitals, mosques and crowded markets in heavily populated areas. They bombs are filled with oil and explosives and when they are dropped from the plane, they cause a massive explosion on the ground. This year the barrel bombs have reportedly killed over 3,000 civilians. As a result it is reported that many civilians are moving out of popular areas and moving to places where nobody lives to try to protect themselves. Hospitals are starting to move unground to avoid the bombs. The news channels have also reported that armed opposition groups are carrying out appalling human rights violations against civilians. 

The U.N. security council unanimously adopted a resolution on Syria in February 2014 demanding, that all parties immediately ease all attacks against civilians, as well as the indiscriminate employment of weapons in populated areas, including shelling and aerial bombardment such as the use of barrels bombs. The President of Syria still declines bombing the country to provide more war crimes.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Nearly 300 females were rescued from Boko Haram terror camps in Nigeria. the 300 girls were abducted in April 2014 from a school in Chibok. Nigerian troops have rescued 200 girls and 93 women in the Sambas forest in the northeaster part of the country. 

The 2014 mass abduction from Chibok led to an international social media movement, #BringBackOurGirls, to rescue them. Boko Haram, a militant Islamist group, has been kidnapping females for years and has hundreds in their custody.

The Tokumbere, Sassa and Tlafa terror camps were raided and destroyed, said a source close to the military. The Tokumbere camp is the most notorious, where the training of small children by Boko Haram is said to have occurred, the source said. Boko Haram terrorists were killed in the operation, but the military did not say how many.

In recent weeks, Nigerian troops and vigilantes moved into the Sambisa Forest. Last Wednesday the troops had to retreat because of explosive devices Boko Haram planted in the forest, according to military sources and a vigilante who was with the troops.

On Monday, troops re-entered the forest and on Tuesday afternoon they raided Boko Haram camps and rescued scores of girls and women.


What the hell..has baltimore lost their minds?

Hours after the funeral of freddie gray (24 year old man who lived in baltimore. he was arrested and while in custody of police officers his spine was broken and he died) 

With all of the racial things going out with blacks and white police officers this was the worst time for anything to wrong with a black person and a white police officer. 

The people of Baltimore finally lost their shit and they all outraged as one! They took their anger to the streets and pretty much destroyed everything possible of destroying. They vandalized buildings, burned down buildings, destroyed police cars, tried to injure police…these people broken into the god damn zoo and let the tigers loose. like what is the world does that have to do with anything with trying to prove a point that blacks are not treated the same as whites by police officers. ??????

the city of baltimore had to request for 3,000 extra police officer and the national guard was even called in to help control the violence. these people were absolutely out of control and i don’t see a point in destroying the city that you reside in to try to prove a point. it makes no sense to me and it never will. 

I'm writing this blog post because I think that is it funny. 

     A professor at Texas A&M said in an email to his students that they were a disgrace, lacked maturity and that he was going to fail the entire class.In the email to students, KPRC reported, Horwitz said: "I have seen cheating, been told by students to 'chill out,' 'get out of my space,' 'go back and teach' refuse to leave the room after being told to do so following inappropriate conduct, called a 'f*****g moron' several times by a student to my face..." 
     Horwitz added that students spread hurtful rumors about him, his wife and colleagues, and that he felt the need for police protection in class.
     "Just ridiculous, because, I mean, I had never had a problem in the class," Shaw said. "I thought I had done pretty well, done pretty well on the first test and everything else that's going on. I get an email saying I am going to get an F in the class, and just kind of -- it was overwhelming.

      I just don’t think that this would be fair to the students that behaved the class and put their studies first but overall in the big picture I think that that is a funny scenario. 

Floyd Mayweather, undefeated boxer, known by some as the best boxer in the world right now will finally fight manny pacquiao. The two have been scheduled to fight so many times before and it always gets cancelled or something always happens that they don’t fight. The reason that this fight is going to be the biggest one in history is because Pacquiao is also said by some to be the best boxers in todays age. 

May weather and Pacquiao both have their strong points… Maywhether is the best defensive boxer to ever step in the ring and he’s shaarp in throwing the shots that he does. Theres a reason that he is still undefeated and no one has yet come to find a way to stop that. 

But Pacquiao comes with the power. He always throwing punch after punch after punch down his opponents throat.. so it will be interesting to see who prevails..

By the way the tickets for the fight sold out in 30 seconds.